OPEN HOUSE: August 20, 5-7PM

Complete a Degree, Certificate, or Explore 大秀视频

Online Registration 鈥 Anyone is welcome to drop by our Open House events without registering.聽 However if you register online in advance, it makes for a more streamline process when you arrive.

We encourage you to register online so you can make the most of your time while you’re here.

At Open House, You Can:

Speak with Faculty, Create Your College Pathway (Running Start, Early College, Dual Admissions, Transfer Agreements), Meet with Financial Aid, the Multicultural Department, Disability Services or the Bursar鈥檚 Office!

Visitors can also attend a BAE Electronics Test Technician Job Opportunities Presentation at Open House. Contact Susan Hughes, [email protected], for details

NCC Has 50+ Degree, Certificate, and 大秀视频 Programs:

Including 100% remote Front & Back End Coding Boot Camps, a new Big Data Developer program, a 10-week Microelectronics Boot Camp, and Accelerated Degree Pathways.

Are You an Adult Learner?

Learn about the benefits of enrolling in Accelerated Lifelong Learning (ALL) to fit a full-time class schedule around work, family & other responsibilities.

Complete Un T铆tulo/ Certificado O Explore Su Capacitaci贸n Profesional
Puertas Abiertas, Proximamente nuevas fechas

En Este Evento:

Hable con la facultad, cree su camino universitario (Running Start, Early College, Admisiones duales, acuerdos de transferencia), Re煤nase con personal de las oficinas de Ayuda Financiera, el Departamento Multicultural, Servicios para Discapacitados y/o otras oficinas!

NCC Ofrece Mas De 50+ Programas De Certificados, Titulados, Y Carreras De Entrenamiento

Incluyendo Campamentos de Entrenamiento de Codificaci贸n 鈥淔ront & Back End鈥 100% remoto, un nuevo programa de Desarrolladores de Big Data, un Campamento de Entrenamiento de Microelectr贸nica de 10 semanas y V铆as de Programas Aceleradas.

驴eres Un Estudiante Adulto?

Conozca los beneficios de inscribirse en el programa Accelerated Lifelong Learning (ALL) para adaptarse a un horario de clases de tiempo completo seg煤n sus necesidades del trabajo, la familia y otras responsabilidades.